If you like, post a comment or send me an email.  Also if you have any requests about certain recipe, or anything you would like to see on this site, please let me know.

     ♥ I will happily oblige ♥

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List of users:


  1. Erin LeFevre says:

    Marketa! I’m so happy you’ve created this fun blog! I miss the Czech Republic every single day. Landon and I love to cook Czech food, the best we can. I’m so excited to try all of your recipes and share them with my kids. We’ll have your blog bookmarked on our computer so we can enjoy “returning” to the place we love.
    Erin (formerly Sister Kimball, now LeFevre) 🙂

  2. Velice dobrý obsah a k věci. Pozdravuji!

  3. Nancy says:

    I just discovered your blog, and it’s wonderful! Your food recipes are amazing; I can’t wait to try them. And I’m glad to find a source for CZ movies & music. I have come to love the CR, and hope to return next summer. I’m also trying to learn the language, if you have a way to help with that. My daughter is going there for Christmas, so your information about holidays & traditions was very helpful.

  4. Michael Masopust says:

    Dobre rano! I just found your blog and it’s great! Love all of your recipes. Brings back a lot of memories.

    One I noticed that you are missing is for Sunka Fleke! That has been an all time favorite of mine. It’s one recipe that I was able to recreate from memory.

    Now please excuse my very poor attempt at writing in Czech. Though as a young child, I was very fluent…. I never learned to write or read. My mom came over in the mid 60s and all we spoke at home was Czech. Regrettably, I’ve lost all ability to speak. At seminar I recently attended I met a group of visiting college students from Brno. They’ve reignited my desire to try and teach myself the language again!

    • Marketa says:

      Don’t give up on trying Michael. You know what really helps? Czech movies with English subtitles.You tube!!!! Learn to understand by listening. Cool thing about it is , that you can pause every sentence and even try to repeat what they said.

  5. Gwen Goodwill Bianchi says:

    I just spent Christmas in Prague with my family and it was one of the best Christmases ever! Veselé Vánoce! Beautiful city, beautiful people, delicious food! I am excited to try your recipes for Bramboráčky and Guláš, and Czech bread. Thank you!

  6. Daniela says:

    Hi!! I was so happy to find you! Living in USA for long time I always search for pages about Czechs
    Love everything you are posting. You are very good…well young people have all the knowledge!
    There was time in my life I wanted to write a Cook Book also and have many good recipes I like to share.
    Do your visitors speak Czech? I see you have some visitors who like to learn Czech, I do Czech classes on Skype (under abc imports) Maybe we can get to know each other?? You are a beautiful young mom with so much knowledge! Thank you for sharing this all 🙂

    • Marketa says:

      Zdravim pani Danielo, thank you for visiting. I am sure there are those who speak Czech and some that don’t.Thank you for offering to teach Czech, so for those who are interested go to . Have a great day

  7. Tom says:

    Hello Marketa,

    I’m not Czech and I’m not a great cook, but Prague is one of my absolutely favourite places in the world. I also like to develop websites, so I have also created a little Czech site:

    Perhaps you will recognize many of the places presented there 🙂


  8. Naďa says:

    Moc hezký blog.Jen jsem hledala recept a najednou ten váš.Já žiju v ČR obec Mičovice (Šumava).Do 23 let jsem bydlela v Otaslavice.Držím vám palečky

  9. Jiri Krupka says:

    Krasne stranky. Thank you for sharing. Makes me home sick very much.

  10. George Gral says:

    So I just made Knedlo Vepro Zelo for my daughter who loves that stuff. She has visited the Czech Republic a few times and this is her favorite Czech food.
    All went well except the dumplings. They were tough and not airy.
    What did I do wrong?

    • Marketa says:

      Hello George,
      There could be 2 issues.1) the yeast is too old or 2) You didn’t poke the dumpling with fork several times (every 2 in or 5 cm)after removing it from water. Without this step the dumpling will shrivel and get hard.It needs to be done very quickly.Don’t give up.practice makes perfect:) Next time, make them ahead of time and if they work out let them cool and freeze them. less work for next time;)

  11. Patsy Rodriguez says:

    I studied in Prague in 1973 and 1974 at Charles University. It definitely was a unique experience.

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