Vdolky (smažené ) – Sweet Rolls (fried)

Vdolky (smažené ) - Sweet rolls (fried)
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Servings Prep Time
2dz 5minutes
Cook Time
Servings Prep Time
2dz 5minutes
Cook Time
Vdolky (smažené ) - Sweet rolls (fried)
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Servings Prep Time
2dz 5minutes
Cook Time
Servings Prep Time
2dz 5minutes
Cook Time
Servings: dz
  1. In 1 cup of lukewarm milk dissolve 1 teaspoon of sugar, and stir in the yeast. Set aside.
  2. In the dough mixer place flour, melted margarine, sugar, egg jokes, rest of the milk, salt, orange zest, and the yeast mixture. Mix into a smooth dough.
  3. Let rise in a warm place until double in size.
  4. Cut the dough into several small pieces about golf sized balls. Shape the pieces in the middle of your Palm into balls.
  5. Flour the work surface and flatten the balls into flat circles.
  6. Preheat oil (Medium heat) in a deep skillet or pot.
  7. Place the flattened pieces into preheated oil.
  8. Once the pieces turn light, golden brown turn them over.
  9. Take each fried peace out, and place it on a paper towel.
  10. Garnish with toppings .
Recipe Notes

Fried Vdolky are best served with plum or pear sauce. Spread the sauce evenly on the top and add a teaspoon of vanilla yogurt in the center. You may sprinkle some shredded sour cheese (Tvaroh) or just dust with powdered sugar. Whipped cream is also an option.

Plum Sauce (Click for recipe)

Pear Saucebf88cd01bfd22ee43ebf8cf526c9438a


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  1. Jasenka Anic says:


    I’m researching vdolky online but I’m confused because I’m stumbled upon a savory version that’s like a simple scone with poppy seeds sprinkled on top.

    Could you help me please, are there different types of vdolky or is this the only version?

    Many thanks, Jasenka

    • Marketa says:

      Jasenka,beautiful name by the way.
      There are two types of Vdolky, one that we fry like donuts and the other you simply cook on a dry (medium/low heat) frying pan,where you roll the pieces thinner and they will double in size,thanks to the heat. Those you brush with melted butter before you garnish them with toppings.Vdolky are supposed to be sweet,what you are probably talking about are “Langoseše” which is like a scone ,where you put anything savory. Toppings may include ( ketchup,cheese,garlic salt,pizza sauce, poppy seeds,bacon bits,ham and so forth.It’s a different recipe and the dough doesn’t include lemon zest and sugar.The pieces can vary in size,anywhere from hand size to large as a dinner plate.This is often sold as street food. Hope that helps.

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